SUN-SET is a performance for the black box, consisting of a sequence of “cosmogonic moments”: pivot points between nothing and something.
Cosmogonies, or narratives of genesis, have taken on all sorts of forms throughout time, but their creators have spun them all around a common factor: light. In SUN-SET the spectator finds himself in impenetrable darkness and blinding light, but above all the eyes try to get a grip on light surfaces and volumes in a kind of sfumato, where light and darkness subtly flow into one another.
SUN-SET begins in a space in which gradually Eigengrau occurs, a dark gray visual plane that humans perceive in the complete absence of light. The boundary between the light that is there and the light we think we see is faded. For what is beyond our capacity to imagine, ‘nothingness’ for example, we inevitably invent colors and stories. Precisely these colors and stories SUN-SET wants to evoke and examine, from pre-cosmic abysses to the specks that appear when we have looked into the sun for too long.
19.10.2221:00 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
19.10.2218:30 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
18.10.2222:00 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
18.10.2220:00 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
04.04.22Theater Kikker, Utrecht (NL)
11—12.02.22Beyond the Black Box, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL) CANCELLED (COVID-19)
15—17.10.21Troubleyn, Antwerp (BE)
08—10.05.21Auawirleben Festival, Bern (CH)
12—13.02.21Beyond the Black Box, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL) CANCELLED (COVID-19)
24—26.09.20Love at first Sight, V36 Toneelhuis, Antwerp (BE)
18—20.09.20Love at first Sight, V36 Toneelhuis, Antwerp (BE)
06—09.02.20V36 Toneelhuis, Antwerp (BE)
15—16.11.19Playground, STUK, Leuven (BE)