4 departed from the light of the sun (as we perceive it on Earth) .
Between 2015 and 2017, Ezra painted a series of large canvases, depicting somewhat otherworldly volumes of light. The light doesn’t visibly reflect on anything, but in itself forms a kind of ‘in-between space’. These canvases were always installed in situ, or were made specifically for a space.
Each work was always given a different ‘situation number’ at the time of installation, which when combined with the number of the canvas formed a temporary title for the work.
17.07—18.08.18Prijs Schilderkunst van de Stad Mechelen - Grote Prijs Ernest Albert, Mechelen (BE)
27.01.18Sint-Jacobskerk, Ghent (BE)
10—27.11.17Concertgebouw, Bruges (BE)
08—22.09.17Drongenhofkapel, Ghent (BE)
29.06—02.07.17school of Arts Gent| KASK, Ghent (BE)